Your family guide to the summer

Your family guide to the summer

17 July 2024

Six weeks off school. Six whole weeks. What are we going to do with the kids? It's a lot to think about and coordinate - but the summer holidays should be a time for great experiences and making memories. Here's our handy guide for how we can help you through it, rain or shine:

• We are free with no need to book.

• We're open from 10am-5pm six days a week (Tuesday-Sunday) and August Bank Holiday Monday.

• You can visit us for as little or as long as you like. Pop in for an hour, two hours, half a day or a make a day of it. There's no right or wrong way to spend your time here.

• We have free family activity sheets available from our welcome desk that help you explore our spaces and exhibitions.

A mum and her young child look at a display case together

• We've got a woolly mammoth called Mildred.

• We have 'Explore More' tables with free arts and crafts activities for you to try.

• We're running 'Fantastic Faces and Figures' drop-in workshops every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the school break.

• We have free storytelling each Friday from 10.30am-11am.

• We're offering family-friendly tours of our major summer exhibition on 23 and 30 July and 7 and 14 August.

A little boy looking up at the woolly mammoth at The Box

'The Bazaar' on 27 July and 31 August is great for families with food, music, a fun atmosphere and more.

• If you venture up to The Hoe, we offer a family ticket to Smeaton's Tower for just £12 (up to 2 adults and 3 children).

• Did we mention we've got a woolly mammoth?

Have a great summer!