- One entry per person.
- Competition is open to any child or young person who resides or studies in Devon, Cornwall, Dorset or Somerset at the time of the competition closing date (5pm on 4 April 2025).
- The competition consists of four categories: Early Years - open to anyone of preschool age, Primary School – open to any child who attends primary school or is of primary school age and is home schooled; Secondary School – open to any child or young person who attends secondary school or is of secondary school age (who may be home schooled, on an apprenticeship scheme, attending college or further education etc.); 18-25 years old (inclusive) is open to any young person who is no longer of school age, including but not limited to, young people aged 25 or under attending higher education establishments.
- Entries must be submitted digitally.
- All entries must include entrant’s name, age, category entered, contact details (telephone and email address) and the title of the portrait. For entrants under 18 this must include a parent or guardian’s contact details, which will act as validation that the parent or guardian agrees to the child entering the competition.
- Entries must be a photograph or scan of the original drawing and be submitted as a .jpg file with a minimum 300 dpi. They should be emailed to [email protected], with the subject as 'CYP Competition' and all requested details in the body of the email. Please name the file using the initials of the entrant followed by the date of entry and either EY (early years), P (primary), S (secondary) or YP (young person) at the end – for example, Maisie Peters, aged 8 would be MP010424P, John Brown aged 14 would be JB050424S.jpg, or June Smith aged 21 would be JS210324YP.
- Films must be a maximum of 30 seconds in length and submitted as an MP4 file.
- For entries submitted as a group from a school (such as a class or year group batch of entries), it is the school’s responsibility to ensure that parents or guardians have given permission for their child to take part.
- All entries must be received by 5pm on 4 April 2025. We regret that any entry received after this date will not be considered.
- By entering the competition, entrants accept that The Box may put their work on public display. Entry does not guarantee display.
- By entering the competition, entrants agree to have their name, age and drawing shared across all of The Box’s social media and publicity channels.
- The Box accepts no responsibility for any work submitted, entrants submit their work at their own risk.
- A panel from The Box, with invited experts, will judge the competition. The panel’s decision is final.
- There will be one winning entry from each category.
- Each winner will receive a £150 voucher to spend in The Box shop. The prize has no monetary value and cannot be exchanged or used elsewhere.
- Winning entries, along with selected others, will be displayed at The Box in the summer of 2025.