Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt

Can your students help our Curator of Archaeology explore a new box of Egyptian artefacts? Using enquiry and curation skills your class will create their own Egyptian display.

This session provides an incredible opportunity for students to handle and investigate real artefacts from Ancient Egypt, using them to uncover key information about this fascinating period of history. Students become Assistant Curators learning the skills that will help them identify, document and present objects from the past in an exhibition.

Key Stage:
Key Stage 2
Ancient Egypt,
Early Civilisations
Price £5 per student (including VAT)
Group size (minimum) 30 students
Duration One hour
Additional Infomation

Please send us your booking enquiry at least four weeks before your planned visit.

Learning Resources

Ancient Egypt: Iyhat | The Box Plymouth

Ancient Egypt: Iyhat

Prehistory: Whitehorse Hill Image Bank | Learning Resources | The Box Plymouth

Prehistory: Whitehorse Hill Image Bank

Prehistory: Image Bank | Learning Resources | The Box Plymouth

Prehistory: Image Bank