My Story: LGBT+ micro-commissions

My Story: LGBT+ micro-commissions

A series of four digital commissions by Plymouth-based creatives that celebrate the diversity of the city’s LGBT+ community.

These four works also marked the 10th anniversary of the launch of Plymouth’s award-winning ‘Pride in Our Past’ project and LGBT+ History Month 2021. As well as being featured here they have been added to the Plymouth LBGT+ archive for future generations to experience and enjoy.

The Box | My Story: In Their Image by Elani Evangelou

My Story: 'In Their Image' by Elani Evangelou

The Box | My Story: Unsubstantial Territory by Laurie Reynolds

My Story: 'Unsubstantial Territory' by Laurie Reynolds

The Box | My Story: Photos For My Younger Self by Arth Lawr

My Story: 'Photos For My Younger Self' by Arth Lawr