The Little Box Expression of Interest
We're inviting expressions of interest from local businesses, groups and organisations to take over The Little Box as pop-up vendors throughout the year.
The Little Box is a key permanent feature of Tavistock Place, situated outside the main entrance of The Box under a canopy of mature trees. This space is the perfect location for small businesses, community groups and organisations to engage with audiences.
We welcome applications from all whether it is food, drink, craft workshops, community engagement, retail or local makers. Suppliers will be supported to provide a social media takeover day on the K&B Instagram channel tagging in The Box, to promote their products or offer.
• Weekly flat hire - £120 to include hire and utilities
• Minimum of two weeks hire
• Tenderers to be a registered business or organisation, with food hygiene for portable caterers of at least a level 4 if selling food/drink products
• Product and public liability insurance of £5m minimum as required
For more information and to return your completed form (below), please email We look forward to hearing from you!